This week has been kinda eventful (nice change). Time is really speeding up and it is strange. Right, anyway, this week. Beware my brain is super frazzled today so I hope that at least some of this makes sense.
So we taught Carol on Tuesday and it was a pretty decent lesson. The lesson was not totally focused because there was a lot going on around the house but it was good. We talked about the Plan of Salvation. It's so simple but yet is so profound. I love it.
Wednesday—we had the doorbell ring at about 9 in the morning and it was the zone leaders. Very unexpected. They wanted to go on an exchange with us. I went with Elder Tate which was good. I didn't really know him at all, so it was a good chance to kinda get to know him a little. It put the whole idea in a bit better light than the last time I had zone leaders show up to go on exchanges randomly.
Thursday—we found a new friend named Tom. First person that we have really found since I've been here. We were just tracting and he answered the door. We talked to him for a little then just gave him a Book of Mormon, super awkwardly, and he just looked at us and said, "So...you want me to read this...?" Such an awful door approach. He invited us to come back in an hour though and that went a lot better. He invited us in and we had a good chat about the book and answered some of the questions that he had. We are going to see him on a week from Thursday—just enough time for him to get very acquainted with our dear friend google and youtube :/
Friday—we got a call at about 10:30 from President, "Elders, I want you to meet me at the Chorley chapel at 2:30. You need to get a ride to save time." We were scrambling all morning to get the stuff done that we needed to and get to Chorley. Luckily, members are really nice and we managed to find a lift. We had a good interview with President and he gave us more things to work on.
Saturday was pretty boring. Nothing particularly exciting happened.
Sunday was good. We had a broadcast stake conference. Elder Ballard was the principal speaker and Elder Clayton and Elder Dykes spoke as well. The second councillor in the Relief Society spoke and they were all quite good. I think that the best part of it was Elder Ballard said to find those quiet moments to "be still and know that I am God." Sound advice.
So thats been about the week
Love y'all
Elder Tarbet
Caelitus Mihi Vires
My Strength is from Heaven