Monday—P-day. We played sports with a member and some kids that we do sports with and then teach them after. It was pretty good. The best part of the day was when we went to see a lady named Veara. She is a member who lives just across the street from the church, and is 92 (or 93, she couldn't remember). She has dementia, is only about 4 foot 10, and she kicked all of our butts at pool! She is hilarious!! She has the pool table right in the dining room where most people would have a kitchen table. Nope, hers has a pool table. Super funny! We played with her for a little while and then we actually sang to her (it sounded awful) and it made her day.
Tuesday—Zone Meeting. I actually missed some of it because I was in with Sister Beech because it was the only time that she could come. Zone meetings are not my very favorite so I didn't really mind missing it. The zone leaders are a bit long-winded sometimes. Sister Beech and I had a good chat and talked about how even though there is nothing that I can do that will directly effect my hip/back/leg I can choose how I react to it and I can also choose to keep looking for things that I can do. We always have control in everything that we do, even if it is only our attitude. That evening we had pancake day at the Brown's, which was good fun. They had gotten pancake mix from Costco so it was good stuff! Costco is the only place that has the same stuff as back home. I just need to get a membership somehow and then I can do my shopping there. :)
Wednesday—We taught Margaret in the morning, which was fine. She is hard to teach because she isn't afraid to interrupt you and change the conversation in some totally strange way. It gets kinda hard, but I guess its good practice for the future. We had dinner at the Quinns which was super fun! They are a pretty young couple who have the cutest two year old that I have ever seen. She is so cute with a funny little personality. They are also a pretty normal family that are a lot of fun.
Thursday—We helped Sister Hindley with some things at the temperance, just some moving and what not so that she could get a room painted. She wanted us to move some stuff because she trusts us and doesn't always trust some of the volunteers that come in. That evening we taught Teresa with Ethan. She wasn't feeling well but still had us come in anyway. We had a really good lesson with her and talked about Church. She absolutely loved Church and feels like there is something there for her. We could have totally dated her for baptism right then but we felt impressed that it wasn't the right time. Not sure what we are waiting for but hopefully soon.
Friday—We helped the Quinns with some service that they needed. He was removing the plaster from his walls so that it could be redone. It wouldn't have been a mammoth task by himself but it took the three of us just under three hours to do. Not bad if I say so myself!! We went to the Elsdons that night who are definitely one of my favorite couples in the ward. They are in their mid to late 50's and are very kind. They have had me over every other week since I've been here. They always make lovely food and a home-made dessert. So nice. I am hoping to have Brother Elsdon come out teaching with us to Henry perhaps. We just need to find someone who has an appropriate personality for them.
Saturday—We taught Henry with Brother Quinn (our exchange with him for helping with his demolition). It was a really solid lesson with him. We talked about the Holy Ghost, once again we were really looking to date him but I guess the Lord had other plans. Everything led so perfectly and we had an amazing opportunity but I couldn't get myself to say the words. It just isn't his time yet I guess. During the lesson, my vision started dancing and shaking with flashing lights and tunnel vision. It made it really hard to teach. We went home and tried to do some other things but my vision was so blurry and my head hurt a good bit so I decided that we should just go home. Elder Singsam wasn't the most pleased with that decision but I know that when I have a migraine the only thing that I can do is to take some Tylenol and to sleep a lot.
Sunday—I woke up and my vision was better but I still had a bit of a pain behind my eyes which stunk. It went away by after Church. The major highlight of the day was making dinner for a less active couple that night. They have been super good to us. They aren't properly less active they just can't get out much because of health. We made them Lasagna which tasted pretty good. It was nice to be able to give something back to them.
So this week has been pretty good. It had a lot of ups and downs for me, but overall it was pretty good looking back. Hope that you have all had a good week.
Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elder Tarbet
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